The sheer plenty and variety here in the U.S. would blow a typical Russian citizen's mind. Don't even think of the mental overload a Costco trip would cause.
And now tis the season for sweets overload - oh wow - how I love this time of year. My good friend Diane Cartier knows me so well. Last week on the way to church we downed a half a bag of Hershey's milk chocolate candy coated eggs on our way to church. We had to wipe off our chocolate mustaches before going in to teach about "coping in hard times". (eat chocolate - duh!)
This is the time of year you can stock up on seasonal Easter candy!!! As we speak I have 5 bags of Hershey's eggs hidden throughout my bedroom in case the grand kids find one, I have 4 back up bags of chocolate eggs to sustain me.
Know this dear reader - I willfully submit I am in danger of being one of those fat people I gawk at. To make it worse, I am a candy hoarder!
Its really bad, I admit it - thank goodness this excess is seasonal. Yikes.
never before in my life have i gone to the grocery store to buy bags of candy. never.
until last week... when, like an obedient little girl, i walked into target with you on the phone and bought hershey eggs (and reeses eggs and whopper eggs and butterfinger eggs) just as you directed.
$20 later, i walked out of target with deoderant and chocolate. hmmph.
don't blame it on me! Ir was really good right?
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